Find the REAL cause of your health challenge.  


Maybe you suffer from mystery health issues that the doctors can't explain. We understand. We have been through it too. Hear about one of our healing stories here...
Tap into the divine wisdom of your body.



As Seen In Docuseries

Our healers are internationally recognized 

As seen in the docuseries, you can :
  • Discover how energy healing can heal chronic health issues.
  • Learn how energy healing works and why it should be a part of any treatment
  • Learn as we guide you through ways to do energy healing on yourself


Abundance Sister

 Julie Ciulla


Julie has overcome major health issues twice in her life. Now she guides you to activate your self-healing.


In 2009, she overcame stage 4 lymphoma cancer while pregnant. She went on to develop her own supplement line and was an Amazon as a Top Seller.


Julie has learned that we all are capable of creating our own healing miracle stories. In 2021, the doctors told Julie that she needed a liver transplant.  Six months later, the doctors were perplexed - she didn't need a transplant after all. 
Julie began her career with an MBA and a focus on business start ups. She co-founded a company that she grew to $50 million in sales, placing it in the top 100 fastest growing companies in the US as recognized by Dun and Bradstreet.


Abundance Sister

Claudia Pratson


Claudia has worked with thousands of people over the past 20 years teaching leadership, teamwork, and mindset mastery.


As Founder of she provides corporate clients with the tools and training to create cultures where people love to come to work.
As a Predictive Index master trainer, Claudia is sought after globally to facilitate initiatives that build strong teams and culture so that companies and people thrive.


Known as "The People Expert," she helps people “play to their strengths” while building their emotional intelligence as a guidance system to go beyond their comfort zone and achieve their inspired excellence.


Abundance Sister

Diana Kopp


To bring in the energies for healing. Diana facilitates the Krystic light. She also acts a bridge using guided imagery and her intuitive skills to see where there are blocks in the body or relationships that need healing. You may also experience past lives or a look into the possible future life as you walk your present course.  She is a medium and can call in your love ones to help resolve conflicts or comfort the survivors after the passing. Many times through deep relaxation, you may see hear or feel messages bringing closure to those grieving. Your own guides and Angels will come in to help you as well.
The results of the sessions may vary but ultimately a sense of peace and relaxation is felt. Each session is unique and leads where your body and spirit needs to go. The energy continues to assist the body to a higher level for several days. You may have a feeling of being more whole and more energized with greater insights about your life and who you want to be.
We look forward to sharing our gifts so you may find your own.


Marlene Allen


Marlene Allen was an Internationally Renowned Master Spiritual Healer who passed away in January 2022.  


She works very closely with The Abundance Sisters in her non physical form now, "from the other side", bringing in the highest frequencies and geometries and encodements available on planet earth and throughout the cosmos.


Before she passed away, she helped countless thousands of people find greater health and had just formed a beautiful partnership with The Abundance Sisters. 


Just months before she passed, Marlene and The Abundance Sisters,  participated in the global docuseries, 
"Energy The Ultimate Healer" in which the miracle healing for Julie was featured. 


Marlene, we miss everything about you. We can still her your contagious giggles. We love you.